Bonjour, konichiwa, ciao!

5 - 11 years

There are many benefits to learning a language other than English. Here are just a few.

Brain development

When a child learns a second language, it stimulates parts of the brain that are responsible for verbal and written communication, and activates the other areas of the brain that are responsible for reasoning, thinking, and understanding numbers. This can help your child improve their skills in subjects such as mathematics and science.

Reading and writing

Learning another language can assist your child with their reading and writing skills in English as they learn about sentence structure and grammar in another language. It can also help them develop a richer vocabulary.

Cultural learning and connection

Songs, dance, books, movies and food can give your child a window into other cultures and the world around them. If someone in your family speaks another language, encourage your child to spend time with them to be exposed to the language and hear stories about their cultural heritage.

Career opportunities

One day your child might choose to study abroad or take up a career that requires a language other than English. Even if this is a different language to the one they learned as a child, that early experience will still help them to learn the new language as an adult.


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Last modified
17 April 2020