Give your child a great start

5 - 11 years
Child eating breakfast

A healthy breakfast gives your child a great start to the day by providing energy and nutrients to fuel their brain and body.

Why is breakfast important?

Breakfast breaks the fast of the night, and provides the body and brain with fuel to start the day. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work properly. With growing bodies and developing brains, kids need to eat breakfast to be able to perform their best at school. Eating a healthy breakfast can help children to concentrate, increase their attention span and assist with their memory.

What should be in a healthy breakfast?

Carbohydrates such as wholegrain cereals and porridge give your child immediate energy to start the day. Proteins such as eggs and low-fat dairy provide a slower release of energy to fuel the rest of the day. Foods with natural fibre, like wholegrain bread and fresh fruit, give a feeling of fullness and help with digestion.

How you can help

  • Encourage your child to wake up with enough time to have breakfast.
  • Agree on some convenient and healthy breakfast options that your child enjoys.
  • Lead by example and let your child see you eating a healthy breakfast.

Make it a shared activity

Eating breakfast together can be great for talking about the day or week ahead, what is happening at school and how they are feeling. This might be more easily done on the weekend if you have a busy morning routine.

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Last modified
17 April 2020