Recounting fun times!

Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia
The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life. Skills in the Foundation Year curriculum include:
- identifying characters and settings and creating new stories
- sequencing (ordering) and recounting (retelling) experiences.
It’s easy to help your child practise these skills as part of everyday life – just use these simple ideas.
Tell stories
Creating and retelling stories and experiences is a great way for your child to master sequencing terms such as first, then, next and finally. So next time your child is telling you something exciting, use questions such as these to help them order their story:
- what did you do first?
- what did you do next
- what happened then
- what happened at the end?
Telling stories to adults (and being the centre of attention) can help build your child’s confidence at public speaking – great preparation for when they have to give a talk to their class! So if your child wants to, encourage them to retell their story to another family member or friend.
Go online
For online reinforcement, Let's tell a story will give your child practice at:
- using imagination to complete a story.