Savvy shopping
8 - 10 years
Everyday ways to help your child with literacy and numeracy
Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia
A shopping trip is full of opportunities to feed your child’s brain, as well as their body. Here are a few ways to incorporate a healthy brain snack into your trip:
- involve your child in writing the shopping list, finding the items and crossing them off the list
- compare information on the packages – eg nutritional information and place of origin
- get your child to practise mental arithmetic by keeping a rough running total as you shop. Encourage them to use rounding, and then check how close they are when you pay
- if you're paying with cash, give your child practice at selecting the right money, estimating the change they'll receive, and checking they get the right amount
- when selecting fresh produce, give your child practice at estimating weight
How many tomatoes do we need for 1 kilo?
How much will these four oranges weigh? - use specials as practice for working out savings, and comparing unit prices between different size packages to see which is cheaper. It’s not always the one on sale!