Every day counts: school attendance
Participating in school every day gives teenagers the best chance of achieving their goals. A student’s level of school attendance is a major influence on their achievement.
Talking about the importance of attendance
Educational aspirations are strong predictors of educational outcomes. Talk to your teen about their goals and the role schooling will have in achieving them. Your teen may not be aware of the impact that missing school can have in the long term. Having conversations about the importance of going to school every day will show them you value education.
Help your teen maintain good attendance habits
Having an established evening and morning routine can provide structure to ensure assignments are completed and your teenager arrives at school on time. Occasionally, your teen may need to stay home from school—they might be sick, or there might be personal or serious family matters you have to attend to (such as a funeral). While these kinds of events are unavoidable, other events such as shopping trips, holidays, visiting family and friends, or appointments can be scheduled out of school hours.
How can you assist:
- Speak with your teen about the importance of attending every day.
- Set a regular evening and morning routine.
- If possible make appointments out of school hours.
- Avoid taking your teenager away for holidays during the school term.
- If your teen seems anxious about going to school, talk to them to find out why.